Meilina Retno Hapsari


White crystal sugar is the main product of every sugar factory. In order to achieve the vision and mission, the Sugar Factory must regulate and maintain the quality of production so that it remains of good quality. There is still a possibility that the quality of the white crystal sugar produced is not controlled even though the sap produced from the previous stage of the production process is controlled. The role of quality control is very important in maintaining the quality of sugar production. One of the statistical methods that can be applied in controlling production quality is multivariate control chart T2 Hotelling, which is for controlling processes together with two or more quality characteristics. Then analyze the process capability to determine the capability of the production process. The data used is the percentage of brix and pol of white crystal sugar taken from 22 May 2022 to 22 June 2022 during the 2022 milling season. Based on the T2 Hotelling chart with a 95% confidence level, it shows that there is a white crystal sugar production process that is not yet statistically controlled. because there are points that are outside the upper control limits. Multivariate process capability analysis for white crystal sugar production has a value of more than 1,33, so it can be stated that the white crystal sugar production process has good process capabilities.


White Crystal Sugar, Quality Control, T2 Hotelling Chart, Capability Process


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